Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction, Diane Douglas, noted that the Summer Food Services Program (SFSP) has begun.
“Many low-income families depend on the free and reduced meals that are served during the school year,” said Superintendent Douglas. “No child in Arizona should suffer from food insecurity just because school is out of session. That’s why the Summer Food Services Program is so important.”
So far, 1,155 SFSP sites have been approved in the State of Arizona. This is an increase over last year’s total of 1,073.
As with every summer, additional SFSP sites are added through the summer. Some of the sites are already opened, others will open soon. The sites will remain open through the first week in August. Last year, during the summer of 2017, more than 3.1 Million meals were served at SFSP sites in Arizona. With the increase in sites, it is anticipated that even more meals will be served. The majority of sites serve breakfast and lunch. Some also serve dinner and/or snacks. To find a Summer Food Program site near you and find out their address, times of operation and which meals are served, please follow this link to the interactive map: .
This program is free for all children ages birth through 18 yrs of age. Rules for Summer Meals are:
• Meals are only served during the posted meal times on a first come first serve basis.
• All meals must be eaten on site and cannot be taken home to eat.
• All meal components must be taken.
• Meals for adults will be available at a reduced rate. Ask the site supervisor.
• No pets are permitted in the serving or eating area.
Locally, First Ave. Elementary Cafeteria is where this program will be implemented Days will be Monday through Thursday. Meal times are 8:30-9:30 a.m. for breakfast and 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., for lunch For more information, contact: Joanna Diaz, DTR, by calling 520.385.2336 Ext. 2214 Wondering what there will be to eat? Read on.
Mammoth-San Manuel Schools menu for the week of June 14 – 20.
Thursday, June 14: Breakfast – honey bun, string cheese, fruit, juice and milk; Lunch: cheeseburger, cowboy beans, watermelon and milk.
Monday, June 18: Breakfast – honey bun, string cheese, fruit, juice and milk; Lunch: corn dog, beans, applesauce and milk.
Tuesday, June 19: Breakfast – French toast stix, strawberries, whipped cream, juice and milk; Lunch: Turkey Mate and chips, carrot stix w/wo dip, mixed fruit, cookie and milk.
Wednesday, June 20: Breakfast – egg biscuit, fruit, juice and milk: Lunch: pizza, garden salad w/wo dressing, Jello with fruit and milk.
Check back next week for the new menu. Bon appetit!