The Winkelman Town Council hosted its monthly Town Council meeting which included a discussion with local residents regarding barking dogs and the problems with brown water coming into homes in Winkelman.

Local resident Sandy Giorsetti requested the agenda item to allow the Council and the community to discuss these two topics in an open meeting. The Council agreed to call a meeting with Arizona Water Company to discuss what can be done to avoid the brown water. Discussion followed on how the aging infrastructure could be partly to blame for the brown water.
Barking dogs was also a topic of discussion. Giorsetti explained that a dog in her neighborhood won’t stop barking and the owners are doing nothing to try and stop it. She has filed numerous complaints but nothing has helped. Tami Villar, Chief of Police, urged Giorsetti to continue to file reports and they would continue to work with the owner.
The Council approved its tentative budget for the 2019-20 fiscal year and approved a contract with Richard Powers Consulting to write a BUILD grant to reconstruct and beautify the roads between Winkelman and the Golf Course in Hayden. The BUILD grant is a highly competitive federal infrastructure grant.
The council also voted to sell town property located at 210 W. First St. and approved a quit claim deed on the Larry and Jenny Avery property located at 123 W. First St. in Winkelman.