The 2025 AmeriCorps-NCCC Team has successfully arrived in Superior this week. Their team name is Earth Team 3.
Earth 3 consists of seven team members including their team leader Mackenzie who is from Georgia. The team members are Derrick from Southern California, Ava from Oregon, Nick from North Carolina, Ben from East Tennessee, Abby from Massachusetts, Tretan from North Carolina. These young adults will commit a year of service to AmeriCorps, working in communities across the country. Following their year of service, they can receive tuition reimbursements or other financial awards to put towards education.
The Town of Superior along with the Legends of Superior Trails (LOST) and Boyce Thompson Arboretum have hosted AmeriCorps teams since 2020! These teams have helped to provide the man hours to complete and develop key projects for the community. The Town provides the required housing for the teams.
This year’s Earth Team 3 will be working on three projects during their five-week stay in Superior. The first project they will be working on is the Stone Dip/Lower Rails Park project. Earth 3 will be removing debris from the area and completing site prep for the development of the park. They will also work on projects for the Boyce Arboretum and will complete their stay in Superior, working on the new trail head on the Legends of Superior Trails at the Pinal City/Jungle area in conjunction with the Tonto National Forest.
Over the past five years, AmeriCorps-NCCC teams have helped to complete the alignment of the Legends of Superior Trails, built firebreaks around the Town of Superior and have worked on projects at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum.
“We enjoy hosting these teams in our community, getting to know these young adults who are giving their time for a year, has been rewarding for both the teams and Superior,” explained Mayor Mila Besich. “We were recognized by AmeriCorps NCCC Southwest in 2023 as Host of the Year, which in part is due to how much our community comes out to support the teams, with team dinners, engaging them in other activities and providing good projects.”