Damage at the shooting range.
Members of the San Pedro Valley Lions Club were stunned to find that vandals had shot holes in a newly extended covered area at the Ralph C. Herrera Shooting Range.
This vandalism occurred in the late hours of Sunday, June 3, or early hours of Monday, June 4.
“The SPV Lions Club tries to provide our surrounding communities with resources that they can enjoy. As a result, we recently extended the covered area of the shooting area only to have someone come and shoot it up,” a representative of the Lions Club told the San Manuel Miner in an email. “We would appreciate any information that the public may have regarding this incident. For those that want to make a difference and have information leading to an arrest of that party or parties responsible for this terrible act, please contact Lion Emilio (Juni) Soto at 520-729-0188 or Lion Ralph Herrera at 520-307-1588.”
You can also contact the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office.
“Any information that can be provided will be greatly appreciated. Helps us keep our area nice for our citizens,” the Lions Club representative added.

Damage at the shooting range.