Update offered on Pinto Creek Bridge project

  Traffic restrictions on US 60 for the Pinto Creek Bridge project have been minimal for several months; however, the Arizona Department of Transportation says it is now approaching phases of the project where you will start to see some restrictions again. 

  While dates are subject to change, here is the current best estimate for how ADOT anticipates the next several months playing out:

• Late February into May – Girders for the new bridge will arrive on site and be placed starting as soon as Feb. 22.  Because of their size, ADOT anticipates intermittent lane restrictions with flaggers to help drivers maneuver the girders through the work zone. Drivers should expect delays if you drive through as girders arrive or as they are being placed.

• Mid-July – Bridge deck pour.  Two bridge deck pours are scheduled. At least one of the two will require a full overnight closure of US 60.

• Late August – Realign traffic from the old bridge to the new bridge. This will require a full closure of 5 days.

  All of these dates are tentative, and ADOT will provide advance notice before all of these milestones/phases along with additional details. Visit the project page online: https://azdot.gov/node/14670.