Recent vacancies on the Mammoth Fire District board created a situation where the board did not have a quorum of members to operate. Non-Profit and Government boards require a quorum of their elected officials to conduct business. When a situation like this arrises on a fire district board, Arizona Revised Statutes require the county board of supervisors to appoint a members to the board.
Under the authority of A.R.S. 48-803(B) the Pinal County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint Veronica Casillas and Frederiko Sanchez to the Mammoth Fire District board. Don Jones, the former Mayor and Town Manager of Mammoth also applied to be appointed to the position.
The fire district governing board members are normally elected by residents and taxpayers of the fire district jurisdiction. The governing board is responsible for establishing policy, setting tax rates, and approving the annual operating budget. As special Districts of the State, the Districts must comply with all applicable Arizona Revised Statutes such as the Open Meeting Laws.
Frederico Sanchez is a lifelong resident of Mammoth and has served on the Pinal County Board of Adjustments and a law enforcement board. He is an active member of his church and a leader within the local Little League district. Background information for Veronica Casillas was not available at press time, however her candidate nomination form indicates she has been a resident of Mammoth/Pinal County for 46 years.