Jax Formo is six months old, with all the usual attributes of a baby of similar age. He has fingers, toes, eyes and nose, a smattering of head hair and adults concerned for his welfare – many, many adults, more than some babies, because he also, unfortunately, has William’s syndrome.
On a flyer you may have seen around, there is a very simple message: “JAX FORMO is 6 months old and has Williams syndrome which is an artery defect. He is currently in the hospital dealing with side effects from a heart transplant. We would like to help him and his family.”
William’s syndrome is more than an artery defect, but flyers are not the place to go into serious detail. It is a genetic condition caused by a particular chromosome that is missing some of its genes, which cannot perform its necessary function of creating elastin for the arteries, lungs, skin, tendons and ligaments in the body, to give structure and support as well as elasticity which allows them to be shaped, moved and function correctly.
Children with this syndrome can be born with severe heart and artery problems requiring pulmonary artery reconstruction or develop them later. It affects every aspect of their life, from their features to their personality traits, as well as their physical and mental development. Jax needed and received a heart transplant.
Jax is currently at Phoenix Children’s Hospital being treated for respiratory distress. Since his heart transplant on July 23, the right side of his heart is still having trouble and his pulmonary arteries are small, which is causing restricted blood flow. On Oct. 29, doctors successfully placed a stent in his right pulmonary artery in hopes of allowing more blood flow. The hope is that this will be enough for Jax to breathe without high support.
Would you like to help Jax, too?
Come to the Rifle Range in Mammoth for the Benefit Turkey Shoot for Jax Formo on Saturday, Nov. 21. Sign is at 7 a.m. with shooting beginning at 7:30 a.m. Entries cost $20 per adult or $10 per junior (14 and under) for the day, plus there will be a cost per shot of $1. There will be a pellet gun shoot for kids and adults, a .22 shoot for kids, balloon fun shoot for kids and adults, and a Sharp shooter contest: closest to the X.
If you don’t want to shoot you can still come and watch. Whether shooting, watching or wanting to help without participating, donations are also being accepted and greatly appreciated.
To donate, call Kevin Guzman at 520-404-7062 or 520-400-6025. For more information on William’s syndrome, visit online at https://bit.ly/3kWuLnF.