Steve Chasse, APS Key Account Manager, Councilmember Marquez Vice-Mayor Waddell, Councilmember Hinojos, Mayor Bracamonte, Councilmember Marin, Richard Rosales, APS Community Affairs, Bryan Goslin, APS Supervisor
Winkelman, AZ (September 12, 2018) – At the most recent Winkelman Town Council meeting on September 10, Mayor Bracamonte and members of the council had a pleasant surprise in the form of a vehicle donation from APS.
Mayor Bracamonte had approached APS Community Affairs Manager, Richard Rosales, about the great need for a vehicle for official staff use and after applying and further approval, Winkelman was awarded the six-passenger extended cab Chevy truck.
Rosales, APS Key Account Manager Steve Chasse and APS Supervisor Bryan Goslin presented the truck to the full council who arrived early for the presentation where Bracamonte praised APS for their support of the smaller communities where a vehicle donation like this is paramount to conducting daily business.