Superior Mayor Mila Besich and Col. Baker sign a programmatic agreement between the Army Corps of Engineers and Superior for the restoration of Queen Creek.
Mayor Mila Besich was accompanied by Town Manager Todd Pryor and Legends of Superior Trails Vice President James Schenck for the official signing of the Programmatic Agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers to finalize the $2.25 million grant that will help to restore water flow in Queen Creek as part of the long-term Queen Creek restoration project. The Superior Town Council approved the full agreement at their September Council meeting.
Congressman Greg Stanton was instrumental in attaining the Army Corps of Engineers 595 Project funding throughout Arizona. The funding was not previously available for Arizona communities. The Town of Superior was one of several applicants funded.
The Queen Creek restoration project began in the late 1990s after the council commissioned a study on the creek. The funding for this project will build a pipeline to transport reclaimed water from the waste water treatment plant into Queen Creek. Resolution Copper provided a $750,000 funding match for the grant. Construction of the pipeline will begin following the federal environmental review process.