The Town of Superior in conjunction with the Superior Chamber of Commerce hosted a celebration to commemorate the expansion of the U.S. 60 Park.  The expansion was made possible due to a donation by Dr. Glenn Wilt, who donated seven and a half acres of his property to the north of the existing U.S. 60 Park, allowing the park to cross the creek into the Old Phoenix Road neighborhood.

  Mayor Mila Besich thanked Dr. Wilt and his associates for making the donation to the Town and presented him with a plaque of appreciation.  The donation of the land was made in honor  of a local resident Garrot Windus who passed away several years ago.  Windus was a close friend and associate of Dr. Wilt.  Several members of the Windus family were present at the event including his daughter, father, uncle and former wife. 

  Superior Chamber of Commerce President Sue Anderson thanked Dr. Wilt for his ongoing support and commended the Town of Superior for working on so many projects to benefit the community. 

  This past winter Americorp Crews worked on the park expansion to clear brush and haul away trash.  They also constructed a loop trail that connects with the Legends of Superior Trails which passes through the U.S. 60 Park.  Town Manager Todd Pryor reported at the event that there are future plans to add two baseball/softball fields to the park and the land donation will make that possible. Currently the Town is researching funding options to construct those fields and other park amenities.

  The Town has also been working on improvements to the Caboose Visitor Center, which will allow the caboose to re-open soon as a visitor center for the Town.  These are ongoing planned projects to improve community amenities for the Town.