By Tyler Bingham

  The use of planning and zoning by our local government are intertwined with Kearny’s history. During the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s, Kearny was in its infancy. Founded in 1958, our town was one of the first in the nation to be planned with absolutely no segregation. Our culture has always been inclusive, and although we have had our struggles, Kearny remains a shining example of just how similar we all are as a people.

  Today, it feels as if we have come to an inflection point. It is no secret that our town has seen better times. Seeing the downward trajectory does nothing to inspire us. Unfortunately, this is a positive feedback loop that results in even further apathy. Luckily, we have tools in local government that can help break this cycle.

  Planning and zoning were one such set of tools used to integrate our community in the years running up to 1958, and they can be used for positive change now and into the future. Planning gives our community a common goal to build towards. It requires vision and temperance. Finding a plan we all agree with is hard! But the challenge brings us together and allows us to see the wishes and concerns of our neighbors while weighing them with our own.

  Zoning is simply applying our plan to the community using districts that define how land can be used. This gives builders a clear understanding of intended future growth and keeps conflicts to a minimum amongst residents. Without zoning, it would be extremely difficult to guide the growth of any city or town in a direction that pleases the majority.

  These are such powerful and far-reaching tools of the government, that no one person is entrusted to wield them. In Kearny, we have a Planning and Zoning Commission and a Board of Adjustment, each made up of seven residents to guide our built environment into the future. We currently have multiple openings in both groups, each waiting to be filled by a Kearny resident aged 18 or older.

  If you are interested in applying for an appointment to either the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Board of Adjustment, please submit a letter of interest to Kearny Town Hall. You can also email your letter to if you prefer. Don’t miss this opportunity to help use some of the oldest tools in local government to encourage healthy growth in our community!