Anthony Marshall with Professional Meters inc. holds the old meter and the new one.

  Last Monday marked the start of a new project for the Town of Kearny.

  Work crews from PMI (Professional Meter Inc.) and Ferguson Plumbing began exchanging the 20+ year old water meters with new advanced digital ones. After the meters are installed, town employees will read meters by driving by your residence. The readings are then digitally transferred to the town’s billing system. The new meters are more precise on the usage of water. 

  Town officials have asked residents to make their water meters accessible to the crews. For example, any landscaping that needs moving, any animals (pets) that would deter entrance to the property and to the meter, and any property, debris, cars blocking the meters need to be removed.

  Residents were notified by a yellow door-hanger on the residence doors.  The hangers will have dates and approximate times crews will need access to meters for the exchange of the new meter. In order to do the exchange, the work crews will need to shut off the water for a short time period.  

  Town officials offer their thanks to residents for their help in making this transition as smooth as possible. 

  For any questions please contact the Town at 520-363-5547.