Karen Todd, acting Postmaster of Hayden and Winkelman Post Offices, reads a letter of appreciation for Toni McEuen’s years of service.
Residents of Hayden and Winkelman will no longer see the smiling face of Toni McEuen when they go to the Post Office.
After more than 10 years serving in the Hayden and Winkelman Post Offices, Toni retired. Friday, Dec. 29, was her last day. And in fine Copper Basin tradition, a party was held to celebrate.
Those who have been in the area for a long time may remember Toni and her late husband Lonnie owned and managed the Exxon station and Western Auto in Hayden. Toni has also worked at the post office some time ago. She also worked for the Gila County Sheriff’s Office, retiring after 27 years with the department.
Toni has three sons, Dale, Bob and Heath.
When asked what she plans to do now that she’s retired, Toni said, “Do whatever I want to.” She plans to work around the house and do some traveling.

Karen Todd, acting Postmaster of Hayden and Winkelman Post Offices, and Toni McEuen.

Toni McEuen’s co-workers celebrated her retirement. From left are Karen Todd, Toni and Dorinda Shelby.