Celebrating the completion of swimming lessons. (Apuron Photography)

  The Town of Mammoth and the Sea Lions Swim Team, along with generous support from SaddleBrooke Community Outreach, provided free swimming lessons this summer at the Mammoth Pool. 

  A total of 60 kids, ages 1 through 20,  from Mammoth, San Manuel, Oracle, and Tucson, registered for the classes.  

  Kids of all ages and abilities had lots of fun learning water safety and swimming skills taught by the Sea Lions coaches, water safety instructors, lifeguards, and swimmers.  Seven levels of swimming skills were taught, beginning with putting their face in the water (Level 1) to diving in and swimming the four competitive strokes: freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly (Level 7).  With lots of help, encouragement, and individual attention from the many instructors, all students showed amazing progress during each three-week session.  And at the end of each session, participants were awarded certificates for the level of swimming skills they achieved during the lessons. 

  Swimming is an essential life-long skill and swimming lessons are the first step  in learning how to swim and how to stay safe in the water.  Similar to learning how to ride a bike, once you learn how to swim, you never forget.  Swimming for fun and exercise can be a part of your life at every age!

Celebrating the completion of swimming lessons. (Apuron Photography)

Swimming lessons at the Mammoth Pool. (Apuron Photography)

Swimming lessons at the Mammoth Pool. (Apuron Photography)

Swimming lessons at the Mammoth Pool. (Apuron Photography)

Swimming lessons at the Mammoth Pool. (Apuron Photography)