Superior kids to return to the classroom

  COVID-19 has changed so much for Americans. It’s most apparent in our schools. In person learning has been suspended since last year’s spring break.

  Superior Unified School District, like many other school districts, has begun the transition back to the classroom. It won’t look quite the same.

  On Sept. 30, the SUSD Governing Board approved hybrid model approach for in-person learning beginning on Oct. 19 provided metrics allow them to do so.

  What will SUSD Hybrid learning look like?  The information following is from the school district.

1. We will create two groups of students. Group A/Group B. Each grade class will be spilt in ½. For example students in grade 10 will be evenly split in ½. It doesn’t matter if the parent sends their child(ren) to school or not. They will still be in the same group. The exception will be to cross-reference schools and classes to ensure students in the same family are in the same groups.  Students receiving services for speech and vision will also be assigned to Group A.  

2. Schedule as follows: Group A-Monday/Tuesday; Group B- Thursday/Friday. Students will still be required to attend class remotely when not in-person. Parents/Students will be contacted through Teams/Remind/Phone Calls to notify which group their child(ren) are in. Parents can also call each school for student group information.

3. Wednesdays- Remote learning for everyone with the exception of on-site students.

4. On-site learning continues 5 days per week. On-site students will attend classes with both groups.  

5. Transportation remains the same and will follow the SUSD mitigation plan.

6. Lunches continue to be served the same as on-site learning. Students eat in classrooms or designated area. Lunches will also continue to be delivered at bus stops for remote-learning students.

7. Hallways and classrooms can be marked to separate students appropriately. We will limit the number of students allowed in the restrooms at one time .

8. We are not conducting temperature checks. We are not certified nurses or doctors.

Rule #1: Don’t come to school if you are sick.

Rule #2: You must wear a face covering. Breaks will be given when needed.

Parents will be required to sign the acknowledgement letter and waiver form in order for their child(ren) to come to school. We will follow our mitigation plan for any staff/students who are ill.

9. Visitors will need to make appointments to enter the buildings.