On Sept. 2 at its regular meeting, the Superior Unified School District Governing Board voted to extend remote-learning until Oct. 12. This means the teachers will continue to run their classes using Microsoft Teams as well as School PLP.

  The District will also continue to provide an on-site learning option while using the remote-learning platform. The Board also adopted the benchmarks as a guide to determine in-person learning.

  Pinal County Health Services reports COVID-19 benchmarks for Districts each week. Using the colors red, yellow, and green the benchmarks look at the number of cases per 100,000, the percentage of positive cases, and the percentage of COVID-like illnesses.

  “All of our staff want our kids back at school but we want to be at an area that allows us to do so,” said Superintendent Steve Estatico. “Being ‘green’ in all three categories will allow us to begin in-person learning at some level.”

  The Board also voted to allow the Superior High School Athletics Teams to participate in the fall sports season. The Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA) had voted to proceed with fall sports activities using the same COVID benchmarks as well as specific guidelines to be implemented for each sport.

  “We want to give our student-athletes a chance to compete but only if the benchmarks allow us to do so,” Estatico said. “We are satisfied with the guidelines that the AIA established. Again, we will need to be in the ‘green’ in order to actually compete with other schools.”

  Estatico said that in order for the District to get to “green” and stay “green” it will need help from the Superior Community.

  “Please keep wearing your mask in public, practice social-distancing and wash your hands,” he requested.