In April 2020, COVID-19 brought much of Arizona’s economy to a screeching halt. All businesses not deemed “essential” were ordered closed by Arizona’s governor Doug Ducey.
The lockdown continued for nearly two months. When Gov. Ducey finally gave the go ahead to reopen, businesses slowly began the road to recovery. Even those listed as “essential” had a challenge with this economic recovery.
Many small businesses and non-profits in Arizona didn’t survive the lockdown. The businesses that did survive are hanging on as best they can. Copper Area News wanted to give something back to the local business community as a thank you for supporting us through these troubled times. Our newspapers (Copper Basin News, Superior Sun and San Manuel Miner) will be featuring local businesses and non-profits, encouraging our readers to Shop at Home, stay local and support our local businesses. To date, Copper Area News has featured 81 businesses in the Copper Corridor.
It is hard enough making it as a small business in a small town during normal times. But to balance those difficulties during a pandemic adds an entirely different twist to things.
One of the businesses that were put on severe restrictions during the pandemic lockdown was dentists. Only emergency procedures were allowed during the lockdown. Dentists scrambled to find a way to serve their patients while keeping their employees and patients safe from the virus.
Teapot Mountain Family Dentistry in Kearny was no different. They, like all other dentist offices throughout the nation, have adjusted to the new normal.
Teapot Mountain Family Dentistry is owned by Dr. F. James Celis. Laura Real is the office manager.
Dr. Celis is very grateful to the people of the Copper Basin Communities including Hayden, Winkelman, Kearny, Superior, Dudleyville, Dripping Springs, Battle Axe, Mammoth, Oracle, Globe, Miami and Claypool.
“These communities have been tremendous support to us over many years. It is because of the residents of these communities that we have had any success in the last 36 years providing dental health care. We are thankful for the many friendships these communities have provided to us and their many times of assistance,” said Dr. Celis. “The children we treated as 4 and 5 year-olds in 1985 are now in their early 40’s and the teenagers are now in their 50’s. What a blessing that we have now treated many of their children and grandchildren.”
Dr. Celis said that one of the biggest compliments he has received is when a patient told him, “I feel like I am coming to my own home when I come to your office. The way your staff greets me and treats me always comforts me, so I thank you.”
Dr. Celis is very proud of his staff.
“I feel that the greatest asset any business can have is their staff. The staff here at Teapot has worked together to provide care for the communities. The staff of Family has been responsible for the bulk of all the dental care provided to the Copper Basin over the past 36 years. The staff here at Teapot Mountain have been friends, advisors, counselors and support to one another. Together we have experienced joyous events and harsh difficulties in our lives. No one get along 100% of the time, but I know this: they have helped and comforted each other tremendously over 36 years. There are no words to fully thank them,” he said.
“The world and the Copper Basin have undergone an exceedingly difficult and traumatic year and a half. The current situation has personally made us question many things. Many families have undergone trauma and continue to suffer. There have come many dissenting views which have distanced people from one another. Times are certainly difficult. But let me say this to the people of the Copper Basin, there is always hope during dire situations. The Scripture teaches:
‘But those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength.’ May we all wait upon Him who is able to renew our strength and allow us to continue during these times of affliction,” Dr. Celis said, adding, “so we thank you Copper Basin, for your friendship and support over many years.”
The practice is located at 330 Alden Road, Kearny. Phone number is 520-363-5674. They are open Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Teapot Mountain Family Dentistry has been offering dental health services for more than 30 years.