In April 2020, COVID-19 brought much of Arizona’s economy to a screeching halt. All businesses not deemed “essential” were ordered closed by Arizona’s governor Doug Ducey.
The lockdown continued for nearly two months. When Gov. Ducey finally gave the go ahead to reopen, businesses slowly began the road to recovery. Even those listed as “essential” had a challenge with this economic recovery.
Many small businesses and non-profits in Arizona didn’t survive the lockdown. The businesses that did survive are hanging on as best they can. Copper Area News wanted to give something back to the local business community as a thank you for supporting us through these troubled times. Our newspapers (Copper Basin News, Superior Sun and San Manuel Miner) have been featuring local businesses and non-profits since the beginning of 2021, encouraging our readers to Shop at Home, stay local and support our local businesses and non-profits. To date, Copper Area News has featured 141 businesses and organizations in the Copper Corridor.
As the COVID-19 Pandemic took its toll, businesses, families and even local non-profits had to adjust their strategies to keep their missions moving forward while working through the pandemic. Meetings were moved to Zoom and fundraisers had to become creative as in-person events were not allowed.
The Benevolent Protective Order of Elks is a nonprofit fraternal organization which promotes leadership, charity and friendship. Each of the 44 individual lodges in Arizona selects its own charities to donate funds to through grants and fundraisers. Kearny #2478 (the Elks) donates to the Arizona Elks Major Projects which has a research facility in Tucson and also takes children from all ages with life threatening diseases without any cost to the parents.
The Elks also donate to a Youth Camp by Young, which allows all types of youth organizations to spend time up there for only the the cost of their food, insurance, and the propane used in a fully equipped kitchen.
Our local Elks have donated more than $1 million to various organizations in the Copper Basin area, including Meals on Wheels, high school athletics, PTO and Student of the Month in Kearny. Food banks in Kearny, Hayden and Superior have also benefited.
They also contribute to the Youth Banquet during National Youth Week, honoring winners of all youth activities sponsored by Grand Lodge and the AZ Elks Association, Hoop Shoot free throw competition, and Red Ribbon Week, including Drug Awareness Red Ribbons for all primary and elementary schools in the three towns along with a poster contest for fourth through seventh grade levels.
At Christmas time food baskets are delivered by the Elks to the needy in the Copper Basin area and a Children’s Shopping Spree is available for low-income families.
Finally, there are the more patriotic elements that the Elks contribute to the Copper Basin area, such as an Americanism Essay Contest that is held for third through sixth grades and the Flag Day celebration, most recently held by Kearny Elks #2478 on Tuesday, June 14.
The Elks Flag Day Program featured Joanne Lerma, Angela Buso and Frank Buso along with the Kearny Little League players presenting the flags in chronological order of the history of the United States of America. Flag bearers included Xavier Granillo, Jessie James, Gabriel Boyd, Isaiah Herring, Jacob Bracamonte, Isaiah Perez, Juanico Lopez, Gage Boyd (POW/MIA FLAG) and Logan Rice. Other Elks helping were Rod Chase, Julian Acevedo and Sheila Stephenson. Refreshments were then served as a big thank you to the participants and their parents.
If you are interested in joining and volunteering your time with the Elks Lodge # 2478, look online at for more information or contact a member of the Elks. The lodge is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 p.m. Or, call the secretary at 520-827-9409.

The Kearny Elks earlier this year installed new officers. Pictured from left are: back, Frank Buso-PDDGER Exalted Ruler, Bob Day-Tiler, Vern Karau-Trustee, Julian Acevedo-Esquire; front, Carlene Denton-Roach-Est. Lecturing Knight, Joanne Lerma-Est. Loyal Knight, Cheri Collins-Inner Guard, Angela Buso-Secretary. Sheila Stephenson-PDDGER Secretary.