Superior’s Kindergartners
One might imagine that the youngest of children may only be thinking about the days off of school during the Thanksgiving break but kindergartners at John F. Kennedy Elementary school in Superior shared what they were thankful for and what they are looking forward to eating.
When the question of “What are you Thankful for” was asked, family, friends, pets and spending time with family were the majority answers. Pets became a big topic with many kindergartners sharing that they had pet rabbits and they were thankful for having these furry friends. Just about all of them were anxious to have time to spend with their parents and cousins.
These youngsters, must have been paying attention to Cookie Monster, when he tells us to eat a few less cookies and eat healthy food. Kyla said she was looking forward to eating turkey and vegetables; Natalie said is can’t wait to eat broccoli; and Luna was excited to eat carrots. Some of the kids wanted less traditional Thanksgiving foods: they wanted spaghetti and pizza. There were also big cheers for pumpkin pie, cookies and cupcakes on their Thanksgiving dessert plates.
These Kindergartners participated in an interactive video on the Thanksgiving story and all decided that while the Pilgrims may have eaten lobster and seal in their first Thanksgiving meals. They were glad that those were not on their menu, today.