Superior CAN volunteers at Leo’s Market. Photo by Pete Casillas

  Saturday marked the completion of Superior CAN’s goal to provide weekend food until the end of the school year to young citizens in need. Thanks to a partnership with St. Mary’s Food Bank, Superior CAN will continue to provide food throughout the summer. The first summer distribution will be on Thursday, May 28, 6-7 p.m. All following distributions will occur at the same time every other Thursday: June 11, 25, July 9 and 23.

  Twelve meals will be provided to every young citizen 18 and under until June 25, where the number of meals per person increases to 28 in order to make up for the lack of summer school meals in July. 

  Superior CAN is encouraging community members to support this effort by cruising up Pinal Avenue at the times listed above, starting from the Helping Hand Statue, whether they need food or not. Honk your horn, share in the good cheer, and enjoy some entertainment from the safety of your car. If you are in need, stop in front of Leo’s and we’ll pass out a weekend bag of food to each citizen 18 and under you have with you. No need to call ahead – just show up! Leo’s is located at 52 N. Pinal Ave.