Saluting the fallen
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3584 hosted a special ceremony to honor those who lost their lives in service to America on Memorial Day.

Students honoring the fallen.
Students from the Superior Junior-Senior High School, J.P. Tomerlin Jr., Myika Cruz and Nathan Taylor each gave brief speeches about what they learned by volunteering to help the VFW to clean the Veterans section of the Fairview Cemetery. Post Quarter Master Mike Montiel, thanked all of the members of the Youth Leadership for volunteering.
Post Commander Haro explained to the crowd that the Superior VFW is the oldest post still in operation in the State of Arizona.
American Legion Member Manuel Sanchez spoke about how the Town has always worked hard to remember their Veterans. He thanked the community and businesses for supporting the construction of the memorials at the cemetery.
Mayor Mila Besich-Lira also spoke during the event.
The event concluded with a hamburger fry at the VFW Post.