2018 Superior Home Tour

  Have you ever wondered what the insides of some of the homes in Superior look like? 

  We have all driven by and seen some of the older homes in Superior get a facelift. Often times it is more than just a coat of paint that is being done. The insides of these homes are remodeled to reflect the personality of the owners. 

BEFORE: Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holmquist’s little home has good bones.

  On Jan. 27 and 28, the Superior Chamber of Commerce presents the 10th Annual Superior Home and Building Tour. This tour is unlike other home tours you have attended.  Superior’s collection of eclectic homes and buildings include fabulous renovations, “before and after” cottages that most would have bulldozed, an “almost tiny” newly built home, shabby chic décor, colorful and low cost ideas, the Hilltop House and more.  A very old one room jail, one of the smallest in Arizona, will let your imagination run when you think about what it must have been like to be locked up there.  The prior newspaper print shop is now a special gallery and the Magma Club community center (Circa 1915) houses a top quality Antique Show. 

AFTER: Mr. and Mrs. Steve Holmquist’s completed restoration.

  Watch the famous Mata Ortiz potters from Mexico craft and fire their magnificent ware. You won’t want to leave without one of these fabulous pieces. Art in the Park is back with an assortment of art to admire or purchase.  Enjoy a pancake breakfast, guided hike, live music, Wyatt Earp performing “Life on the Frontier” and Steve Germick, with the US Forest Service, sharing tales about Mattie Blaylock, Wyatt’s common law wife, who is buried here.  Not enough to whet your appetite?  All ticket holders receive 2 for 1 passes to the Renaissance Festival and the Boyce Thompson Arboretum at a later date.  A fun filled weekend for $12 prepaid online or $15 at the door, in one of the friendliest Towns you’ll ever visit.

Join us at this once very sleepy Town and help us “Rebuild Superior”. Tour begins at the Chamber of Commerce, 165 W Main St.,  Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.  Watch for the complete schedule at www.superiorarizonachamber.org. or call the Chamber at 520-689-0200.