Seth Tate
Seth Tate has been a Nurse Practitioner at the San Manuel Sun Life Family Health Center for six years. He enjoys the job and working in a rural area.
“People love him,” said his boss, Al Gutierrez, Sun Life Practice Manager.
Seth was born in Salt Lake City and spent his formative years in Utah. He grew up in a family of 10 kids. He spent some time in Texas. He received his Doctorate of Nursing Practices from the University of Utah. He went to work at a hospital in Oregon. He began looking for a rural area to work in to help pay off his education loans. He interviewed for the position with Sun Life and has been here ever since.
When asked why Seth chose medicine as a career, he said that he was very injury prone as a kid and spent a lot of time “exposed to medical treatment” visiting hospitals and doctors.
“It seemed like it would be a good fit for me,” Seth said.
Seth chose to be a Nurse Practitioner as it seemed to be the best option. He likes primary care and says that you are seeing many primary care positions being filled by Nurse Practitioners.
Seth and his wife Jennifer have six children ranging in age from kindergarten to middle school.
“We like Arizona and the job here,” said Seth. “The rural atmosphere allows you to do a few more things that we would normally not be able to do in a big facility.”
Seth enjoys nature, hiking, biking, history, working on cars and around the house. He also collects minerals and has a display in his office. A number of his patients have brought him some nice mineral specimens.
Seth is one of many health professionals providing quality medical care for people in the area for Sun Life Family Health Center.