The Smith kids, Zahira, Salma, Aaliyah (front) and Elmer (back) were the first to mail their letters to Santa Claus.
The four Smith children, ranging in age from 2-13, were the first to mail their holiday wishes to Santa Claus.
The youngest, Salma (2 years old) told Santa that she’d like “A baby doll and Mine Mouse doll. Moana doll and Moana book. Mickey Mouse club house toy, Dora dress, Dora chancla, Moana piggy doll.” She also drew Santa a picture.
Zahira, who is 5 years old, wrote: “Dear Santa I have bin good. For Christmas I want a squishy donyt, batman dol bat man legos and notebooks and a playte dat mall hoodie.”
Aaliyah, who is 9 years old, also drew Santa a picture. She writes, “Dear Santa what I want for Christmas is a laptop, healboot, kids makeup, squishy ponsies, lego Cinderella, cheer skirt and shirt, Barbie doll, and to die my hair. How have you been? I have been good. What kind of cookies do you want? How is Miss Claus. Love, Aaliyah.”
Elmer, the oldest, writes: “Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a Iphone 6, I would also like an Xbox one, if you can’t get phone. I would also like 1 year gold for Xbox one or 260. I would also like the game destiny and double A batterys. I have also good because there are more good day’s than bad, but I tink I’v been good. From Elmer.”
Tri-Community children can mail their wishes to Santa in the special mailboxes placed around the area: La Casita in Mammoth; San Manuel Library; and the Oracle Fire Station. Letters can also be placed through the slot in the door at the Miner office in San Manuel.
Santa has also set up a special email address if you want to send your wishes to him electronically. The email address is santa@minersunbasin.com.
This year, Mr. Claus has given us permission to accept letters through our Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/CopperArea). Just send us a message (PM) with your child’s letter to Santa. Please be sure to include the town where you live so we can publish it in the right newspaper.
Hurry and get your letters in quickly so they can be forwarded to the North Pole in plenty of time for the big day. The deadline to mail letters in Santa’s special mailbox is Dec. 14. Santa needs time to get all the requests fulfilled.
Letters will be published on Dec. 19.