Five Boisvine boys, ranging in age from 4-10, were the first to mail their holiday wishes to Santa Claus.
Max, the youngest at 4, writes, “Dear Santa, This is Max, I am 4. I have been good. I would like for you to bring me Santa Clause toy, a skateboard, a picture of me and my brothers and mom and dad to hang in my room. Love, Max”.
Drake is 6. He writes, “Dear Santa, My name is Drake, I am 6 yrs old. I have been bad and good. I want a RC car that goes fast and I want Santa to bring my mom some heart cookies because she picks us up and goes to work. I would like a football and a big surf board. Love, Drake Boisvine”.
Izrael, who is 8, writes, “Dear Santa I hope I am on the good lest and four Christmas I will have a good dicurashin on my house my house will be beaftfl and four Christns I want nikes four Chrisistnas you and god are nice because god helpes peopel so dose santa I wish you a merry christas and also hydrofla. Love, Izrael Boisvine”.
Elijah is 9. He writes, “Dear Santa I ben bad and good I realy hope you can forgive me. I realy hope I am on the good list. If I am on the bad list it’s not your fault it’s my fault. But if I am on the good list I realy want a pair of nikes. I don’t care what kind of nikes just may I please get a pair. And can I ask for a cople of things. Like to make my mom feel better. My mom is always around the house working. and can I ask for one more thing an RC car that is one that it will go very fast. love you Santa Clause – Eiljah Boisvine”.
Anthony is the oldest at 10. He writes, “Dear Santa I have been bad will you forgive me. For Christmas I would like to have a really fast r.c. car, a rifle nerf gun, and a nike poster, and nike shoes, a nike shirt, and a nike hat, and nike socks and a hydroflask. Love Anthony Boisvine”.
Maximilian, Drake, Izrael, Elijah and Anthony are the sons of Brian and Julie Boisvine of San Manuel.
Tri-Community children can mail their wishes to Santa in the special mailboxes placed around the area: La Casita in Mammoth; San Manuel Library; and the Oracle Fire Station. Letters can also be placed through the slot in the door at the Miner office in San Manuel.
This year, Mr. Claus has given us permission to accept letters through our Facebook page (www.Facebook.com/CopperArea). Just send us a message (PM) with your child’s letter to Santa.
Hurry and get your letters in quickly so they can be forwarded to the North Pole in plenty of time for the big day. The deadline to mail letters in Santa’s special mailbox is Dec. 13. Santa needs time to get all the requests fulfilled.
Letters will be published on Dec. 18.