SMHS Construction Class at Asarco
By Lindsy Schupman, SMHS/PimaJTED Student
The trip that the construction class took to the ASARCO mine was an amazing experience. We learned about the complex way in which the mine runs, from making and fixing their own equipment, to gathering the materials, from within the earth.

The viewpoint at Asarco
The mine workers were all very kind to us and were willing to go out of their way in order to explain to us what was going on in that area. They even let us take over one of their meeting rooms in order for us to eat our lunch.
All in all that was an experience that I will never forget, and I am sure that we all went home excited to share what we learned with our family.
Lindsy is a student at San Manuel High School and is involved in two PimaJTED classes: Construction and Digital Photography. Classes are free to students in the Mammoth-San Manuel School District. A wide variety of classes are available. If you or your student is interested in Career and Technical Education classes offered by PimaJTED, please contact school counselor Terry Simon.