Racers and spectators enjoy the action at a past San Manuel Copper Classic. This popular event returns to San Manuel on March 8, 2025. Photo by T.C. Brown
Well, we will be at it again. The Trail Riders of Southern Arizona (TRS) will be hosting the 19th running of the San Manuel Copper Classic motorcycle race on Saturday, March 8, 2025. This year will be offering a new racing format called a Dual Scramble.
TRS will be receive support hosting this race from the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) and the Arizona Motorcycle Riders Association (AMRA). AMRA promotes Arizona’s premier off-road motorcycle championship series intent on providing high quality, fun and safe off-road racing for the whole family.
The TRS was founded in 2004 (yes, that’s right the club is over 20 years old) and is a 501(c)3 club that promotes safe and responsible off-highway motorcycle recreation and racing through action and education. We are a chartered club with the AMA and a member of the AMRA. TRS works with local, state, and national off-highway vehicle (OHV) organizations along with the US Forest Service, and Arizona State Parks and Trails OHV Program to improve the off-road motorcycling experience in southern Arizona.
TRS appreciates all the support we receive from the Pinal County, BHP Copper, San Manuel residents, and especially from School Superintendent Julie Dale-Scott. With the support and assistance received from her organization, this race has become a racer favorite because of the great staging area accommodations the old Gardner Middle school campus provides.
Money raised from this event will be given-back to the San Manuel community through donations to the local Schools Program and Fire Department. Last year TRS donated $5,000 to the San Manuel Schools Program and $1,500 to the San Manuel Fire Department. TRS hopes to increase our donation amounts this year. If fact, since 2007 TRS has donated over $40,000, to the San Manuel Schools Program and Fire Department.
The San Manuel High School sports teams also participate at the event by providing food and beverage service to raise money for their individual sports program.
As in past years, the Copper Classic will be staged at the old Gardner Middle School ball fields and parking areas at the end of Avenue D and Erickson Streets.
Preparations for the event are well underway now. On Thursday, March 6th set-up of the race campus will begin. Racing begins on Saturday March 8th, starting with Mini races at 8:30AM. The Big Bike racing will be starting around the Noon hour. Please pay attention to and honor the road closure barriers and safety cones in and around Avenue D and Erickson Streets during these hours.
Article Courtesy of George Wysopal, Trail Riders of Southern Arizona (TRS) President