Have you ever been at a place where you see a certain individual walking in the distance and you sigh a breath of relief because you know that help is on its way? This is the feeling at Mammoth-San Manuel PK-12 School when one of its teachers, Margaret Schofield, is on campus. She was recently honored for her achievements in serving her school community. This helpful educator is Margaret Schofield. She was recognized by the SaddleBrooke Sunrise Rotary Club as their Outstanding Teacher of the Year for the 2019-2020 school.
Mrs. Schofield has been with the Mammoth-San Manuel Unified School District for almost two decades in various positions. She didn’t start off as a teacher. She transitioned from being a chemist at BHP to being the computer technician for the district after the mine shut down. Her talented math skills were soon recognized which ultimately landed her a job within the Math and Science Departments at the school.
Mr. Campbell, the former interim principal nominated her for her outstanding performance as a teacher. He stated that, “Mrs. Schofield goes above and beyond the call of duty for the school and community, but most importantly, for her students.”
Mrs. Schofield is the first one to arrive at school and the last one to leave every night. Yes, night, it is usually dark when she leaves the school. She does many jobs for the district. She oversees the Google Classroom Learning Platform, she trains staff, teaches math and science along with digital photography. In addition, she oversees the yearbook class. She is CTE certified and continues to educate herself with ongoing trainings to develop her skills as a lifelong learner.
Dr. Poppen, the current principal, states that “Mrs. Schofield has been an integral part in helping students, teachers and staff maneuver through the on-line learning process. She is eager to help and is efficient in her efforts.” There isn’t much Margaret can’t do. Her valiant work ethic, competence, determination and dedication to the vision and mission of the district is appreciated and valued. Her leadership sets the tone for others to follow. She’s a trailblazer in her quest to help those in need within the school community