This is in response to Mr. Cavanaugh‘s letter of Sept. 15, 2021.

  The supervisor attempts to partially explain his negative vote on $3.4 million for COVID-19 vaccines. He states that the grant would “forbid ANY money from being spent on actual vaccines!”  Well, yes! One should NOT spend any grant money on vaccines that are provided FREE  to the recipients and County!

  In a letter to the editor on the same date by Pinal  County Chairman Steve Miller, the chairman outlines  Mr. Cavanaugh’s  conniving attempts to mislead the board and the public… “ his deceptive statement was intentional… the furthest from the truth.“

  As to Mr. Cavanaugh‘s statements and attempts to rewrite Rios‘ history, I can only say, all this as a matter of public record. Cavanaugh is entitled to his own opinion, but is NOT entitled to his own trumped-up set of facts.

  The Rios residency issue has been around for over 30 years and was resolved favorably by the Superior Courts, the State Attorney’s General Office and the county attorney’s office.

It’s OK for people to own multiple properties/homes so long as the primary one is in the district that one represents.

  As to me voting to raise property taxes, I voted overwhelmingly with the rest of the board to reduce them year after year. Again it’s public record.

  As to fiber optics and Wi-Fi, better paved roads, bridges, complimentary landfill vouchers, etc., all were initiated under the Rios administration.

  As to the reference to a high-speed chase from a sheriff’s deputy, it only happened in the short circuited synopsis of Mr. Cavanaugh‘s brain. Lack of medication?

  It’s quite clear in Pinal County Chairman Steve Miller’s letter that Cavanaugh is a problem.

  I do thank Republican Chairman Steve Miller for seeking other funding sources to help ensure that the residents of Eastern Pinal County and the whole county are protected from the deadly COVID-19 virus, by making healthcare professionals and free vaccines available.

/s/ Pete Rios

Former County Supervisor and State Senator