As you are aware the house located on 118 Griffin Rd. (Parcel 301-42-062C) is being renovated by Jeremi Brewer for the intent of developing it as Griffith Independence Prep, a private ESA funded school with a projected enrollment of 60 students.  The house is located on a parcel that is zoned residential per the Pinal County Assessor office. Several nearby residents and I are opposed to this.

  This subdivision (Kearny Subdivision No. 9) is covered by Protective Covenants which were legally recorded by the Galbreath Corporation when this subdivision was developed and are ongoing.  The Covenants expressly prohibit public or private schools in this neighborhood.  

  As I understand it, Mr. Brewer has applied for “permits” from the Town of Kearny, however I have been advised that these “permits” do not override recorded covenant restrictions for this neighborhood.  

  An email with the Protective Covenants was sent to Mr. and Mrs. Brewer and a copy was given to the Town of Kearny.  My neighbors and I have the expectation that both the Town of Kearny and the Brewers will recognize and honor the legal Covenants and stop development of a private school in this subdivision. 


/s/ Jean Slater