Superior, AZ – Rebuild Superior Inc. invites local residents of Superior and the region to attend a special community meeting to discuss ideas on what should be done to preserve and maintain the mining history and culture of Superior, once the Smelter and Smokestack are torn down.  The meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 25, 2018; the meeting will start at 6:00 pm and will be held at the Superior Junior-Senior High School Multipurpose Room.  Light refreshments will be served.

This spring, Resolution Copper announced that the company will be tearing down the smokestack located on their West Plant property in September of 2018. The accompanying buildings will be torn down earlier.  This iconic structure has been standing in the Superior skyline for almost a century.  The Town of Superior and Resolution Copper have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to conduct public outreach in order to hear from community members on what they would like to see done to honor Superior’s mining history through a legacy project.  Rebuild Superior Inc. has been tasked with conducting community outreach.  Once the community is polled and ideas are brought forward, Resolution Copper and the Town of Superior will decide on three ideas to conduct feasibility and sustainability plans. 

Some ideas that have been shared through the Community Working Group. They include a Mining History, Education and Innovation center and re-activation of the Magma Arizona Rail Road for both commerce and tourism. The community meeting will be interactive and invites participants to listen to ideas and also share their ideas.   For more information on the meeting please contact Jim Schenck via email at .

Rebuild Superior Inc. is a local 501c3 non-profit community development organization.  The organization was formed by the Town of Superior, Superior Unified School District and Superior Chamber of Commerce to spearhead economic development and move community projects forward.