New members of the Ray High School National Honor Society take the oath.
On Thursday, May 2, the Ray Junior-Senior High School Chapter of the National Honor Society inducted new members for the 2023-2024 school year. Each student was selected based on consideration of their scholarship, service, leadership and character.
The ceremony took place in the Ray Unified School District # 3 Elementary Cafeteria, beginning at 7 p.m. with the Processional of Inductees led by Joseph Morales, Sergeant at Arms. President Cambria Garcia presented a traditional Welcome and Call to Order, before introducing the inductees. Vice-President Kassidy Ballejos participated in the Introduction, presented the Certificates and gave the closing remarks. The guest speaker was Jason Wernett, Ray School Board member.
New members who were inducted are Kylie Jenkins, Keirstyn Jenkins, Kyleigh Reidhead, Gianah De Los Reyes, Julissa Garcia, Mia Barajas, Joslyn Garcia, Camille Bentley and Sanaa McGee.
Current members who attended and participated in the ceremonies are Cambria Garcia, President; Kassidy Ballejos, Vice-President; Joseph Morales, Sergeant at Arms, who participated in the candle-lighting and delivered the Benediction; Yasmin Rivera who participated in the candle-lighting and the reading on Character; Vanessa Boi, Secretary; Graciela Rivera, Treasurer, who read on the subject of Scholarship; Jonathan Beede, reading on Service; Christian Curiel, who read on Scholarship and Leadership; Mark Chester, reading on Service: Analina Montijo, reading on Character; Isabella Montijo and James Ruiz who read the NHS Pledge.
In English, the National Honor Society’s motto says that nobility obligates, which signifies that a person of higher rank has the obligation to behave honorably, generously, and responsibly to others. Each of the new inductees, as well as those already members, have pledged to uphold the higher purposes of the National Honor Society, maintaining and encouraging high standards of scholarship, service, leadership and character.
The students and alumni extended a thanks to the current administrators, board members and guest speaker in the program, stating, “Thank you to all the parents, faculty, and staff for your continued support. Also, thank you to the maintenance and custodial staff for all your help.”
Congratulations, students on your achievements and good wishes for your continued successes!

New members of the Ray High School National Honor Society.

Current member of the Ray High School National Honor Society.