Ray High School Class of 2022 Scholarships Awards were announced recently. This year’s graduating seniors were rewarded for all their hard work with thousands of dollars in scholarships and awards. 

  Presenting the Scholarships were Susan Schweitzer – SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Scholarship; Stephanie Cave – Pinal County Federal Credit Union Scholarship;  Kim Marinez – Resolution Copper Industrial Trades Scholarship; Edward Feldhake – Edward M. and Obdulia M. Feldhake Memorial Scholarship; Brent Nebeker – Mary Lynn Nebeker Memorial Scholarship; Dan Thurman – Ray Federal Credit Union Scholarship; Amee and Keith Kenyon and Rikki Galka – ASARCO Scholarship; Rikki Galka – Copper Basin Railway Scholarship and Miriam Avelar – Kearny Women’s Club Scholarship.

  Also, Theresa Bustamante – Carmen Bustamante Memorial Scholarship; Irma Newman – Junior Chamber of Commerce Scholarship; Martina Burnam, Leysa Rought, and Fred and Gloria Ruiz – CCAB Scholarship; Frank Buso – Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship and Mike and Lisa Migliore – Myles Migliore Memorial Scholarship.
  Finally, Sarah Naranjo presented many scholarships: Eastern Arizona College Music Scholarship, Cesar Chavez Memorial Scholarship, National Honor Society Scholarship, Copper Net Systems Academic Award, Copper Area Health Volunteers Scholarship, Dr. Norbert Ehrman Scholarship and Robin Coon Scholarship.

  Brina Morales received the Northern Arizona University Lumberjack Scholarship – full tuition $44,906 total ($11,024/year for 4 years); Cesar Chavez Memorial Scholarship – $1,000; Robin Coon Scholarship – $1,000; ASARCO Scholarship – $500 and the Myles Migliiore Memorial Scholarship – $500.

  Tracon Naranjo received the Northern Arizona University Lumberjack Scholarship – full tuition $44,906 total ($11,024/year for 4 years); University of Arizona Wildcat Distinction Scholarship – full tuition $50,000 total ($12,500/year for 4 years): University of Arizona Blue Chip Outstanding Leadership Award – $250; SaddleBrooke Scholarship –  $12,000 for 4 years ($3,000 year for 4 years); Cesar Chavez Memorial Scholarship – $1,000; Robin Coon Scholarship – $1,000; Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship – $2,000; ASARCO Scholarship – $500; Coppernet Systems, Inc. Academic Award – $500; Ray Federal Credit Union – $500 and Carmen Bustamante Memorial Scholarship – $150.

  Jack Warren received the Northern Arizona University Lumberjack Scholarship – full tuition $44,906 total ($11,024/year for 4 years); SaddleBrooke Scholarship – $12,000 total ($3,000/year for 4 years); Cesar Chavez Memorial Scholarship – $1,000; Robin Coon Scholarship – $1,000; ASARCO Scholarship – $500 and Coppernet Systems, Inc. Academic Award – $500.

  Kaia Warren received the Northern Arizona University Lumberjack Scholarship – full tuition $44,906 total ($11,024/year for 4 years); SaddleBrooke Scholarship – $12,000 total ($3,000/ year for 4 years); Cesar Chavez Memorial Scholarship – $1,000; Robin Coon Scholarship –  $1,000; ASARCO Scholarship – $500 and Dr. Norbert Ehrman Memorial Scholarship-$1,100.

  Mikenna Seller received the Northern Arizona University Lumberjack Scholarship – full tuition $44,906 total($11,024/year for 4 years); ASU New American University Scholarship – $28,000 total ($7,000/year for 4 years); Cesar Chavez Memorial Scholarship – $1,000; Robin Coon Scholarship – $1,000; Edward M. and Obdulia M. Feldhake Scholarship-$700; ASARCO Scholarship – $500 and Carmen Bustamante Memorial Scholarship – $150.

  Jacob Barajas received the University of Arizona Wildcat Excellence Scholarship –  $8,000/year for 4 years and Northern Arizona University Lumberjack Scholarship – full tuition $44,906 total($11,024/year for 4 years).

  Mia Barragan received the Northern Arizona University Lumberjack Scholarship –  full tuition $44,906 total($11,024/year for 4 years); Copper Area Health Volunteers Scholarship – $4,000 total ($1,000/year for 4 years) and Kearny Woman’s Club Scholarship-$700.

  Ariana Munoz received the Northern Arizona University President’s Scholarship – $32,000 total ($8,000/year for 4 years) and NHS Scholarship – $2000.

  Kim Newman received the Northern Arizona University Dean’s with Distinction Scholarship – $26,000 total ($6,500/ year for 4 years).

  Ashiya Varley received the Kearny Woman’s Club Scholarship – $700 and the Pinal County Federal Credit Union Scholarship – $500.

  Johnavon Pace received the Resolution Copper Industrial Trades Scholarship – $3,000 and Myles Migliore Memorial Scholarship – $500.

  Isaiah Azevedo received the Eastern Arizona College Music Scholarship – amount to be announced and NHS Scholarship – $200.

  Felicity Ramirez received the Northern Arizona University Dean’s Scholarship – $20,000 ($5,000/year for 4 years); SaddleBrooke Scholarship – $12,000 total ($3,000/year for 4 years); Cesar Chavez Memorial Scholarship – $1,000; Kearny Woman’s Club Scholarship – $700; Mary Lynn Nebeker Scholarship – $1,000 and Junior Chamber of Commerce Scholarship – $500.

  Jocelyn Ruiz received the Coppernet Systems, Inc. Scholarship – $500.

  Eli Martinez received the Northern Arizona University Dean’s Scholarship – $20,000 total ($5,000/ year for 4 years).

  Alonzo Ruiz-Lopez received the CCAB scholarship – $300.

  Kaylin Pacheco received the Copper Basin Railway Scholarship – $500.

  We are always proud of the students who reach toward a goal and achieve it. Even more so when the students have kept on track through a few years of upheaval as they are entering adulthood. Congratulations, students! You’ve done very well.


Receiving the Pinal County Federal Credit Union is Ashiya Varley. Presenting is Stephanie Cave.

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Scholarship presenter Susan Schweitzer. Receiving are Tracon Naranjo, Kimberly Newman, Felicity Ramirez Jack Warren and Kalia Warren.

Brina Morales, Tracon Naranjo, Mikenna Seller, Jack Warren and Kaia Warren were winners of the ASARCO Scholarships. Presenters are Keith Kenyon, Rikki Galka and Amee Kenyon.

The winner of the Ray Federal Credit Union Scholarship is Tracon Naranjo, presented by Dan Thurman.

Resolution Copper Scholarship is presented by Kim Martinez to Johnavon Pace.