By Nathaniel A. Lopez
Copper Basin News
The Ray football team will begin its season on Friday, Aug. 20, at 7 p.m., traveling to Valley Union to face off against the Blue Devils. This will be the team’s first game in over a year, since they decided to sit out for the 2020-21 season, for health concerns.
But fans, take heart. There is a silver lining.
Valley Union is returning from a previous 1-4 record. If the Bearcats have been putting in the time and effort on the field during practice (which the photos our publisher took Thursday definitely indicates is the case), then there is a real possibility of Ray starting off their season with a victory.
The boys will be on the road again Aug. 27 to face off against the San Manuel Miners. The Bearcats will finally play on their own turf on Sept. 3, against Baboquivari.