The Ray Bearcats Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) has announced its Heroes of the Month. PreK (morning) and kindergarten through third grade students honored are

from left, Eli Sanchez, Bryleigh Henderson, Clyde McCroskey, Cree McCroskey, Lauren Chester, Riley Bickley, January Bribiescas, Ayannah Sostre, Kaitlynn Acevedo and Jamey Wernett. PreK (afternoon) and fourth through sixth grade students are, from left: (back) Julianna Migliore, Mary Fuerstenberg,


Amaiya Valdez, Isaiah Herring, Logan Rice, Jesse James and Izzy Stacy; (front) Kelsea Servant, Eleanor Hatch, Miley Chester and Melody Bui. Not pictured is Tristen Bentley.


Congratulations to all these students on their achievements this month.