By Nathaniel A. Lopez
The Mammoth-San Manuel PK-12 Parent Teacher Organization is continuing to do great things for the students! On Dec. 6, the PTO held a pizza party for the winners of their Coin Craze fund raiser, the first and fourth grade classes.
“The PTO is doing good with the support of the administration, and some of the parents. The pizza party was given to our first and fourth grade classes for our coin craze week,” commented PTO President Daniela Duke. “All pizzas were donated by Pizza Garden in San Manuel, and we are very appreciative. The PTO will be looking for parent volunteers and door prizes for our fun upcoming events in February.”
The PTO will be holding a MORP (prom spelled backwards) dance for the high school on Feb. 3, with tickets going on sale Dec. 11, through Jan. 19. There will be a Father-Daughter dance held on Feb. 9. There will be a Mother-Son dance on Feb. 16.
If you have questions or would like to help out the San Manuel PTO, the next scheduled PTO meeting will be Dec. 19, at 5:30 p.m., in the school’s cafeteria.

First graders enjoy their pizza. Photo by Adrianna Brown

Fourth graders go back for seconds. Photo by Adrianna Brown