These young ladies along with other contestants were busy cleaning up the area around Pioneer Park getting ready for Pioneer Days which is scheduled for the first week in March. They are, from left, Megan Miller running for Jr. Queen and Kyleigh Adkins who is the candidate for Queen. Photo by James Carnes

  On Saturday, Feb. 22, 2025, the 12 young women who are hoping for the title of Pioneer Queen, Junior Queen or Princess, volunteered time out of their schedules to give back to the community they are hoping to represent.

  The girls, along with Queen Chairperson Aleynia Boatman and Co-Chairperson Emilia Rutledge, spent three busy hours cleaning up Pioneer Park. Together they collected and cleared out 15 large trash bags of garbage!

  After a hard day of working, the girls were treated to lunch at Old Time Pizza, sponsored by Jr. Chamber.  The girls then got to meet former Pioneer Day Queen Contestant, Monica Clark, who gave them pointers and motivation.

  Aleynia and Emelia would like to send a shoutout to the staff at OTP for taking great care of all of them.

   What a way to set an example to others in the community! Good job, ladies!

The Pioneer Days Queen contestants were busy cleaning up the area around Pioneer Park getting ready for Pioneer Days which is scheduled for the first week in March. Photo by Nichole Aranda