Roach Fire. Donna Woods property in Dudleyville. Photo by Rene Pacheco

Florence, AZ –  The Pinal County Office of Emergency Management has initiated the update of the 2009 Pinal County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) which was developed in accordance with requirements of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003.

The 2018 CWPP update process re-analyzed communities at risk from wildland fire within Pinal County and establishes a series of recommendations to reduce wildland vegetative fuel ignitability, structural ignitability as well as recommendations for enhancing public outreach and education associated with wildland fire in the urban interface. These recommendations have been developed to reduce the threat of unwanted wildfire to communities.

  The Pinal County Office of Emergency Management encourages public review and invites all residents to download and review the plan at the following website: for 30 days beginning May 10.

  During this time, two public meetings will be held at the following locations for the public to learn more about the CWPP process and provide input or ask questions.

• May 29, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at  City of Maricopa Police Department ,Copper Sky Substation Meeting Room, 17985 North Greythorn Drive, Maricopa; and

• May 30, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Town of Kearny Constitution Hall, 912-E Tillbury Road, Kearny
  All residents are invited to submit comments about the Pinal County Community Wildfire Protection Plan either through email ( or by mailing to  Pinal County CWPP c/o Dylan George-Sills  Logan Simpson 51 W. Third Street, Suite 450, Tempe, AZ  85281.