In John 6:19, we find the disciples rowing their boat across the Sea of Galilee.  They were several miles from shore when strong winds came up and caused rough waves to slow them down.  About that time, they saw something or someone walking on the water toward them. 

  This kind of thing just doesn’t happen, and it scared them.  With the storm raging around them, they had no idea who or what it was. Knowing their fears, He spoke up and said, “It is I, don’t be afraid.”  When He boarded the boat, it was immediately touching the opposite shore.

  We fear the unknown, the unexplainable.  Yet, this was their Teacher, the one who called them into the ministry.  When Jesus came onto the scene, everything was made right.  The storm was behind them and the boat had reached the shoreline.

  Jesus knew:  where they were, what was happening to them and what they were thinking.  He understood their fears and responded with a personal appearance – even in the middle of the lake during a storm.  He knows where you are today, and what you are going through.  Talk to the Lord and ask for His help in your situation.  He will hear from Heaven and answer your need, as only He can!