So enquiring minds want to know … Are there ghosties and ghoulies in Oracle?

  Two paranormal research groups visited the Acadia Ranch Museum this weekend in search of an answer to that question.

Four Peaks Paranormal Group from Tempe.

  On Friday June 22, the Four Peaks Paranormal group from Tempe, Arizona visited. The Haunted Scottsdale Ghost Tours came to the Acadia on Saturday June 23.

Haunted Scottsdale Ghost Tours

  The Scottsdale group led a tour of the museum and also conducted some paranormal research. They reported that they “had an incredible night.” They said that they saw a shadow figure walk through the house and one of their group saw a man with white hair, khaki pants and glasses in the kitchen. All of their equipment was very active.

  Both groups said they enjoyed Oracle.

  The Acadia Ranch Museum building was originally built in the early 1880s although it has changed over the years. The Oracle Historical Society would like to thank both paranormal groups for visiting the museum and for their generous donations.