New gate at First Baptist Church

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New gate has been installed at the entry to the church parking lot. Submitted

Greetings to all of you from the people who are the First Baptist Church of San Manuel. We are placing this letter to inform you of a decision that may affect some of you.

Until now, everyone has been able to access the church parking lot from First Avenue. That is about to change. Except during times the church deems practical or necessary, we are going to close access to the parking lot from First Avenue with a locked gate. The gate is wrapped with very bright reflective tape. We will be installing a sign that will inform of the closed gate as well.

There is good reason for the gate. Over the last year and a half, we have witnessed numerous incidences of trucks, cars, jeeps, four wheelers, and motorcycles travel through our parking lot at high speeds while people were present. It has happened during Vacation Bible School, various church activities, and even during Sunday school and worship times. This is particularly dangerous for our children. Even when we are not having a church activity, children are often present on our playground. Just a few weeks ago while several children were playing at the church, I was in the front yard of my house and witnessed a truck come flying out of our parking lot and nearly hit my granddaughter. She was on her bicycle at the edge of the road coming from the playground. The truck continued down First at such a high rate of speed that I called 911. The driver never swerved or slowed down indicating that he never saw her. Therefore, before there is a serious accident, for the safety of all, we are closing access to our parking lot from First Avenue, we are grateful to those of you who have driven safely across our parking lot and apologize for any inconvenience.

You will still be able to access the desert from First Avenue just before the gate, as well as being able to access the desert, the church park, the basketball court, or the parking lot for services and activities from Nichols.

The safety of everyone far exceeds any minor inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for understanding.

/s/ Kevin Duncan

Pastor, First Baptist Church

San Manuel

admin (8144 Posts)

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