Dry Heat: Trump was Right, the System is Rigged

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  Like many Americans I went to bed on Nov. 8 with a heavy heart and a knot in my stomach and somewhat in shock over Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election. I had prepared myself for this knowing that there was a chance that he would become president. When I awoke the next morning on my 66th birthday, the sun was still shining and I was given one more day of life. The earth was spinning through the universe and it was not the end of the world. The moral victory was that the American people elected Hillary Clinton, the Electoral College system will make Trump president. So, Trump was right, the system is rigged. Even Trump said we should get rid of the Electoral College, though I doubt that will happen.

  Trump is the President of the United States and it is what it is! I will give him the benefit of the doubt as I believe most of what he said before the election was just what he felt he needed to say to get elected. Like most politicians he made promises he won’t keep. Like most politicians he is a con man. One of the best. From his victory speech, it looks like he won’t be sending Hillary to jail.  The wall won’t be built. Sure, a token effort will be made with added border security, a few fences and a virtual wall of electronic equipment. He won’t stop Muslims from entering the country. He won’t begin rounding up all Mexican immigrants and deporting them. 

  I will take him at his word that he will work for all Americans.  I will hold him to his oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States when he is sworn in. I look at the positives. Joe Arpaio was defeated thanks to an increase in Latino voters, and Republican and Independent voters seeing the need for change. (Thank you former Pinal County Attorney James Walsh from Oracle for your appearance in the television ads supporting new Sheriff Paul Penzone.) Paul Babeu is no longer a political force in Pinal County. Four women were elected to the United States Senate including the first Latina in history.  Democrats gained two seats in the Senate and have enough votes to put a halt into any legislation Trumpites try to get through. Maybe they should do what the Republicans did to President Obama and swear an oath to work towards making Trump a one term president. Payback could be in the works.

  I refused to watch the major news stations as they tried to figure out what happened in the elections and give their meaningless theories about it. Pollsters and experts were wrong. Democrats lost, let’s get over it! I refuse to wallow in self-pity, cry or whine.  I have decided the best thing to do is take a stand. Take a stand against war, racism, bigotry and injustice! Stand up to the bullies! Become more politically aware and active. Refuse to hate!

Author’s Note:

  I have been given the opportunity to express my opinion and viewpoints on politics, national, state, and local issues as well as life in general. I hope to inform you as well as entertain you, make you smile or make you mad. I will use humor, sarcasm and occasionally anger to express my views. My intention is to hold politicians accountable sometimes bringing some heat on them and if my views make you angry or hot, remember that like my humor, it is a dry heat. These opinions are entirely my own and do not reflect the views of Copper Area News Publishers. 

John Hernandez (785 Posts)

John Hernandez lives in Oracle. He is retired and enjoys writing and traveling. He is active in the Oracle Historical Society. He covers numerous public events, researches historical features and writes business/artist profiles.

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