• Copperarea

  • Southeast Valley Ledger

  • Additional Stories

    Dry Heat: Is Trump a Racist?

    January 22nd, 2018

      As the Martin Luther King holiday came and went, President Trump while meeting with Senators to discuss immigration, opens […]

    Georgie Digs: A Good Read for Teachers

    January 22nd, 2018

    According to her memoirs, after 1891-born Annie Forbach had attended school in Mammoth, Arizona, she attended the new school that […]

    Georgie Digs: Being Thankful

    January 3rd, 2018

    I am hopeful that this New Year of 2018 will be a peaceful and happy year for all, and I […]

    Along the Gila: Good Things are Happening in the Copper Corridor

    January 3rd, 2018

    My son, daughter-in-law and grand daughter are with us this week. They are from Bellingham, Washington. We wished they could […]

  • Additional Stories

    Georgie Digs: Writing and Recording Memories

    January 3rd, 2018

    I had often wished that more people would have recorded in some way what they remembered of their earlier years […]

    Letter to the Editor: Local impacts of tax bill

    December 21st, 2017

      Taxpayers and voters of the Tri-Community and Copper Corridor will soon come face to face with what the Tax […]

    Celebrating Miners Day

    December 11th, 2017

      Miners Day is Dec. 6.   A day dedicated to those hard-working individuals that dig deep into the earth […]

    Letter to the Editor: Oracle State Park open every day

    December 11th, 2017

      At a recent meeting in Oracle, one gentleman stated that Oracle State Park was closed.  As of March 1 of this […]