• Copperarea

  • Southeast Valley Ledger

  • Additional Stories

    Kearny Mayor Offers Update to Community

    May 5th, 2020

    First of all, I want to thank all of you for keeping healthy and safe. I would like to update […]

    Getting Arizona Back to Work, A Health Care Provider’s Perspective

    April 28th, 2020

    It’s been weeks and we are still locked down at home.  That is, if you are not one of the […]

    Letter to the Editor: Superintendent Announces Implementation for Approved Bond

    November 25th, 2019

    On behalf of the Oracle Elementary School District, our Governing Board, students, families, and staff, I want to express our […]

    It’s the Start of the Fall Holiday Season: Time to Think ‘Safety’

    November 19th, 2019

    Can’t you just see it now?  The family gathering at the Thanksgiving table and enjoying all that delicious food?  Think […]

  • Additional Stories

    Letter to the Editor: Thank you, volunteers, for the wonderful memorial

    July 4th, 2019

    You might have missed a recent article in the Miner, even though the subject was covered in two different issues. […]

    OpEd: Robust Land Management Needed to Prevent Wildfires

    June 28th, 2019

    Arizona has a history of devastating wildfires. The Wallow and Horseshoe 2 fires torched over a combined half million acres […]

    From Family First: Take Some Time

    April 10th, 2019

      As I look out of my shop to the distant snowcapped mountains, I see the Mesquite trees that have […]

    Letter to the Editor: Shame on whoever took the library’s money

    April 10th, 2019

      How sad is this? We have had a five gallon water bottle setting on the front counter for over […]