Put a spring in your step with the CCAB Community Concert

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Copper Area News

Hayden- Winkelman – To benefit the Hayden-Winkelman students, seeking to make a trip to Washington D.C., the Copper Community Action Board (CCAB) is holding a springtime Community Concert.

Why do students visit Washington D.C.? According to the American Civics Center “Middle school students explore the capital city’s monuments, visit DC’s museums and engage in small group activities designed to build their historical frame of reference and civics skills..”

A quote from a student who has made this trip, from the American Civics Center website, found at http://www.americancivicscenter.com/, shows the benefits of a trip to Washington D.C., both from the perspective of learning and from a more personal angle. The high school participant (no name given) is quoted as saying,” My favorite part was the Newseum. I thought the Newseum was just about the news, but then I heard that there was a memorial to Sept. 11 in it. I had a cousin in the first plane that hit the towers. We were all just in awe of the different pictures, video, and firsthand accounts of the reporters – footage that we had never seen. It was really moving.”

The concert will be held at the Hayden-Winkelman School Auditorium on Saturday, April 26. The doors will open at 4 pm, and, the entertainment will commence at 5 pm, when a lineup of local talent will entertain you until 10 pm. Admission is $5. There will be intermissions, when you may enjoy tasty fare that will be for sale at the concession stands.

The lineup will include MC Lucky Romero, Porter’s Ghost, David Romero and Peter Santa Maria, Bernadette Munoz, Monica Badillo, Johnny Silva, Danny Fessenden, Johnny Angel, Julie Borquez, Martina Borquez, Ariella Borquez, and, more.

The CCAB serves the communities of Hayden-Winkelman, Kearny and Dudleyville in working on projects that improve their future prospects and foster community spirit. For more information about the concert, or to become a sponsor or volunteer, email coppercommunityactionboard@yahoo.com.


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