Highway Sign along BHP property line announces the public hearing. Photo by T.C. Brown
Avantus, the company proposing the Ore Town Solar Project in San Manuel, will host an open house on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 5-6:30 p.m., at the San Manuel Community Center, 111 W. Fifth Ave., San Manuel, AZ.
Avantus invites you to learn more about the proposed Ore Town Solar Project by attending a presentation at the San Manuel Community Center. This will be another opportunity for the community to ask questions, express concerns and provide input regarding the proposed project.
“Ore Town Solar is a proposed clean energy project under development on private land in San Manuel, an unincorporated community in Pinal County.
“Ore Town would feature a 145 MW solar photovoltaic (PV) facility and a 145 MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to help meet Arizona’s growing energy needs. The batteries would store electricity generated from the solar panels and deliver clean energy to the grid during periods of high demand.” https://www.oretownsolar.com
Project Snapshot
San Manuel, AZ, on a portion of the decommissioned BHP San Manuel Copper Mine.
Up to 145MWac, producing enough clean energy to power an estimated 35,000 Arizona homes.
Approximately 1,200 acres of previously disturbed land.
Avantus – https://avantus.com
Up to 200 well-paying construction jobs, with local hires prioritized.
Sponsorships and contributions in partnership with local organizations to support facilities, programs, and services in San Manuel and Pinal County.
The project is currently moving through the permitting process and is currently scheduled for construction in 2026-2027.
The next step in the review process for this proposed project is a public hearing by the Pinal County Board of Supervisors. This hearing is scheduled for Oct. 30, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. The hearing will be held at the Pinal County Administrative Complex in the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room. This is located at 135 N. Pinal St., Florence, AZ.
To qualify for further notification in this land matter you must file with the Planning Department a written Statement of support or opposition to the subject application.
Your statement must contain the following information:
- Planning Case Number. PZ-PA-005-24
- Your name, address, telephone number and property tax parcel number.
- A brief statement of reasons for supporting or opposing the request.
- Whether or not you wish to appear and be heard at the hearing.
Written statements must be filed with Pinal County Development Services Department, PO Box 749 (85 N. Florence St.), Florence, AZ 85132. Contact for this matter: Monika Smriti, Planner, monika.smriti@pinal.gov, (520) 866-6294
Other cases are also on the agenda for that day. A written statement is recommended to avoid any disappointment in not being heard at the hearing due to time constraints.
Additional information from this Pinal County application process can be found at https://bit.ly/3BLlOen.
Quite a bit of information has been shared via social media and in person. Not all has been accurate. It is hopeful that the open house and personal research might lead to more knowledge based on facts. It can be a very emotional topic. In the end the decision rests with BHP, who owns the property in question, and the Pinal County Board of Supervisors, who were elected to make the decisions to include this Major Comprehensive Plan Amendment request.

Proposed site of Ore Town Solar Project on BHP property as seen from the highway. Photo by T.C. Brown