The Oracle School District Governing Board is very pleased to announce its $13.2M bond transaction successfully closed on June 17, 2020. The staff can now begin paying for those items that voters approved.

  First on the list is to pay off the District Office building and existing bus loan, which will provide savings on interest expense, the board reported. “Next, we will order three new buses to continue to update our aging fleet which prior to recent purchases, had an average mileage of 300,000. This should help with our bus maintenance and operational costs,” they added in a statement to the Miner. “We will also make payments to both BWS Architects and the H2 Group (project managers) for the great service they have already provided, and will continue to provide, our District.”

  BWS continues to develop a master plan that will guide design and timelines for all projects. This master plan will ensure new additions or changes to the campus are designed in a way that maximizes space utilization and increases synergy. 

  “Rest assured that your elected Governing Board is providing very careful oversight of the bond projects and purchases. We are incredibly grateful for the confidence you’ve placed in us and are intent on delivering for our students and our taxpayers,” the board said. 

  Residents of Oracle School District are invited to attend the board meetings which are normally held the third Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. As projects are completed, the district plans to have additional updates and even some events to include, and thank the voters.