Acadia Ranch Dedication 1978, Dr. Shawn Medley on front porch

  The Oracle Historical Society held its 42nd Annual Meeting of the Membership on Sunday, Dec. 9, 2018 at the Acadia Ranch Museum. The meeting informed attending members of the events that were held and the progress the historical society made during the year.

  The late Nancy Patten who passed away this year was acknowledged for her gift of the Tack Room and support over the years.

  A reelection of board members was held with members Ken Huff, Margaret Guyton, Wanda Winningham and John Hernandez being elected.

  John Medley gave an interesting and humorous historical presentation on a pageant that was held in Oracle in 1930.

  Following the meeting, refreshments were served and board member Kevin Armbrust provided a guided tour of the museum’s newest exhibit located in the Tack Room. The exhibit curated by Kevin included saddles and tack from local cowboys/cowgirls, photographs and memorabilia from the Magma mine, Tiger, and San Manuel.

  The Oracle Historical Society would like to thank Onofre “Taffy Tafoya” for his donation of historical photographs and Magma mine information that are now part of the exhibit.