Oracle Community Learning Garden

The Oracle Community Learning Garden is rekindling the Fiesta de las Calabazas, a celebration of the autumn and its bounty that was begun in Oracle in 2000 and became an annual event. For the first several years, the Fiesta was held at Rancho Robles. When it outgrew that venue, it moved to Oracle State Park where it thrived until the Park temporarily closed.  And now it’s time to rev ‘er up again, this time at our Garden.

  On Saturday, October 28, the Oracle Community Learning Garden is hosting Fiesta de las Calabazas, starting at 12:30 p.m., at the garden across from John Adams on Mt.Lemmon Rd.   

This event will continue throughout the afternoon and early evening, ending at 4:30 p.m., with every minute packed with fun. Seeds will be planted, of course. In addition, there will be singing and music. No, Smashing Pumpkins will not be attending, but, to help the pumpkin party stay pumped up, there’ll be a sing-a-long with Freddie Terry and dancing with Mother Cody Band.

  Delicious tacos will be available for the delight of your taste buds, and, chalk will be available for drawing, and, if you  don’t like dancing, but, feel like moving to the beat, there’s a different treat called hopscotch.

  For more information about Oracle Community Learning Garden you can sign up for their monthly newsletter by writing to Not only will there be news about the program, but, they will share ideas on planting in our area and let you know about volunteer opportunities. You can also find them on Facebook @Oracle Community Garden.