Hayden-Winkelman Unified School District Tax Rate for 2021 will not increase this year, although Small School Adjustment A.R.S. § 15-905.01 requires the District publish a Truth in Taxation notice. 

 “The Truth in Taxation notice is misleading,” said Superintendent Jeff Gregorich. “The truth is that while the total tax levy will increase, the district’s tax rate will not change. The district’s primary tax rate this year will be 11.8875, which is exactly the same tax rate as last year. In fact, the district’s primary tax rate has been frozen for now for six straight years. In addition, the Hayden-Winkelman Unified School District has no secondary tax rate or any intentions of passing bonds or overrides.”

  He added, “The small school adjustment helps our district provide quality educational programs for students without passing long term bonds or overrides. These additional funds allow small rural school districts the ability to have the needed resources to operate our schools with equity.”